If you would like to participate in our activities and meet friends with similar interests, why not become a member?
Membership rates: UK £ 25 (concessions £ 20); Europe £ 30; outside Europe £ 35. Subscriptions run from December 1 to November 30 of the following year. Payments can be made by a) direct debit; b) bank transfer; c) cheque or d) cash, at the latest on day of AGM.
For payments by direct debit or bank transfer please contact the Hon. Secretary at zolasociety@gmail.com for bank details. Please add your name in the reference field. Cheques should be made payable to The Emile Zola Society.
Please fill in the Membership Form and return it with a cheque or payment information to the Hon. Secretary:
As an email attachment to zolasociety@gmail.com
Or by post to: The Emile Zola Society, 35 Mayfield Avenue, Chiswick, London, W4 1PN.